Delete Snapshots


The Delete Snapshots action allows you to delete EBS Snapshots.

Read more about EBS Snapshots


The action uses the following AWS EC2 API endpoints to target and delete EBS Snapshots:

Configuring the action


Snapshots can be targeted by Tag groups, or all snapshots in the selected context.

Operator & Value

The operator and value settings can narrow the targeting further e.g.:

Keep Last + 10: deletes all snapshots that match the targeting criteria, with the exception of the 10 most recently created Created Greater Than + 10: deletes all snapshots that match the targeting criteria that are older than 10 days at time of execution.

When using the Created Greater Than operator, you have the option to always keep the most recent snapshot matching the targeting criteria, regardless of age.

Keep Snapshots by Volume

When this option is selected, the chosen operator and value will be applied to snapshots grouped by Volume. This is useful for ensuring that you always have a recent snapshot for each Volume.

Dry Run

You can choose to run the action in dry run mode, which will not delete any Snapshots, but will report on what would have been deleted.