Detached Disks Detected


The Detached Disks Detected trigger allows you to trigger a rule's execution when a disk is detected as being detached from a virtual machine. It is particularly useful for cleaning up resources that have been left behind after a virtual machine has been terminated.

Use of this trigger in a rule

The Detached Disks Detected trigger will usually be used in a rule with a Delete Detached Disks action to clean up detached disks. However, it is possible to pair it with any action.

If paired with a Delete Detached Disks action, and the "number of days" specified in the action configuration is higher than the "number of days" specified in the trigger configuration, the action the disks will not be deleted.


Number of Days Detached

The trigger will be activated when a disk has been detached for the number of days specified in this field.

The number of days that a disk has been detached for is tracked by GorillaStack, therefore this metric does not work retrospectively for disks that were already detached when your account was linked. For these disks, we consider the account linked date as day 0.