Azure Cost Threshold


The Azure Cost Threshold trigger is activated when the total cost of selected resources exceeds a specified amount. It is a valuable tool for managing Azure costs across resource groups and services. It helps alert you when costs approach your budget limit, comply with cost controls, optimize your resources and most importantly, avoid unexpected costs.

Azure Subscription permissions

GorillaStack requires the following permission to inspect costs within your subscription:

  • Microsoft.CostManagement/query/*

Use of this trigger in a rule

The Azure Cost Threshold trigger will usually be used in a rule with the Notify Cost action, which generates formatted notifications for costs based on the specified criteria. However, it is possible to pair it with any action.


The rule will not be triggered at the time of rule creation, even if the cost threshold has been exceeded at that point. Rule triggers are verified after retrieving fresh data from the selected Azure subscriptions, which can take up to an hour.


This trigger works by aggregating costs based on:

  • Subscription context - You can select all or specific subscriptions on the Context screen when creating a new Rule
  • Azure Service - Only trigger when the costs exceed for a particular Azure Service or across all of them
  • Resource groups - Only trigger when the costs exceed for selected Resource Groups or across all of them

Azure Service

Monitor the cost threshold for all Azure services or specify one.

Select Azure Service on the Cost Threshold trigger screen

Resource Groups

Monitor the cost threshold for all Resource Groups or specify a subset across Azure Subscriptions selected in the Rule context.

All Resource Groups on the Cost Threshold trigger screen All Resource Groups - includes Resource Groups that will be created in the future

Select Resource Groups on the Cost Threshold trigger screen Select Resource Group(s) - one or more can be selected across multiple subscriptions

Cost Threshold

The trigger will be activated when the total costs of the previous selections exceed the amount specified in this field. The value must be a whole number.

Specify cost threshold on Cost Threshold trigger screen